The distinction between the subjective and the objective art is basically based on meditation. anything that comes out of the mind will remain subjective art, and anything that comes out of meditation, will be objective art. #art #subjective #objective #mind #nomind #meditation #distinction #osho

The only authentic responsibility is towards your own potential, your own intelligence and awareness -and act accordingly. Values have not to be imposed on you They should grow with your awareness, in you. #potential #intelligence #awareness #values #grow #osho

A human being is like an onion, Remove one layer, and there is another layer; remove this and there is yet another. You are nothing but a collection of knowledge, experience, information, understanding, education, impressions, culture and tradition. Where you yourself are you do not know. OSHO #human #being #onion #layers #knowledge #experience #information #understanding #education #impression #culture #tradition #yourself #know #osho

Nature certainly has no hierarchy. Hierarchy is man’s mind game, because without a hierarchy the ego cannot feel nourished; it dies. #nature #hierarchy #mind #game #ego #nourished #dies #osho

If you leave a few gaps in your mind unoccupied, those moments of unoccupied consciousness are the first glimpses of meditation, the first penetrations of the beyond, the first flashes of no-mind. #gaps #mind #unoccupied #moments #consciousness # #glimpse #meditation #beyond #nomind #osho

I am bringing a new vision of religion to the world. Accept life in its mulitdimensions. Enjoy it, celebrate it, rejoice in it. Celebrate your body, it is God’s grace. Celebrate each moment that has been given to you, each breath, each heartbeat. It is such a benediction. #new #vision #religion #world #life #mulit #dimension #enjoy #celebrate #rejoice #body #god #grace #moment #breath #heartbeat #benediction #osho

Forget the past, forget the future, this moment is all. This moment has to become your prayer, your love, your life, your death, your everything. This is it. And live courageously, don’t be cowards. Don’t think of consequences; only cowards think of consequences. #forget #past #future #moment #prayer #love #life #death #everything #present #courageously #consequences #osho

By and by you learn the ways of how existence goes on providing for you, how existence goes on caring about you. You are unnecessarily worried, all is provided for. Once you have learnt the knack of trust, all worry disappears. #learn #ways #existence #providing #caring #you #worried #knack #trust #osho

My approach to your growth is basically to make you independent of me. any kind of dependence is slavery, and the spiritual dependence is the worst slavery of all. #approach #independent #dependence #slavery #spiritual #osho

Meditation is the state of no-mind; no society within you, no conditioning within you – just you, with your pure consciousness. #meditation #no-mind #society #conditioning #within #pure #consciousness #osho

In the morning remember it is a new day, a new beginning. Today I will meditate in all my acts. I will do all the activities, the usual day-to-day activities, but today with a new quality: I will bring the quality of awareness to them. #morning #day #new #beginning #meditate #acts #quality #awareness #osho