Mind is good when money is concerned; mind is good when war is concerned; mind is good when ambitions are concerned; but mind is absolutely useless when love is concerned. Money, war, desire, ambitions — you cannot put in the same category love. Love has a separate source in your being… #mind #good #money #war #ambition #useless #love #source #being #osho #quote

We are all part of one life force – part of one, oceanic existence. Basically, because we are deep down one in our roots, the possibility of love arises. If we were not one, there would be no possibility of love. #weare #one #life #force #oceanic #existence #deep #down #root #love #oceanic #existence #osho #quote

The mind has been filled with all kinds of unnecessary luggage. No space is left in the mind for the realities that you have to live. So even your greatest theologian is as foolish about love as you are, has no understanding of freedom, has never enquired into the distinction between personality and individuality. #mind #luggage #space #left #mind #realities #live #greatest #theologian #love #understanding #freedom #personality #individuality #osho

Life is a verb. Life is not a noun, it is really “living” not “life.” It is not love, it is loving. It is not relationship, it is relating. It is not a song, it is singing. It is not a dance, it is dancing. See the difference, savor the difference. #life #verb #living #love #relationship #song #singing #dancing #osho

Life is a verb. Life is not a noun, it is really “living” not “life.” It is not love, it is loving. It is not relationship, it is relating. It is not a song, it is singing. It is not a dance, it is dancing. See the difference, savor the difference. #life #verb #living #love #relationship #song #singing #dancing #osho

The ordinary man is living a very abnormal life, because his values are upside down. Money is more important than meditation; logic is more important than love; mind is more important than heart; power over others is more important than power over one’s own being. Mundane things are more important than finding some treasures which death cannot destroy. #ordinary #man #abnormal #life #logic #love #money #power #mundane #death #destroy #osho

Forget the past, forget the future, this moment is all. This moment has to become your prayer, your love, your life, your death, your everything. This is it. And live courageously, don’t be cowards. Don’t think of consequences; only cowards think of consequences. #forget #past #future #moment #prayer #love #life #death #everything #present #courageously #consequences #osho

Love is a by-product of freedom; it is the overflowing joy of freedom, it is the fragrance of freedom. First the freedom has to be there, then love follows. #love #freedom #overflowing #joy #fragrance #osho

There is nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is nothing more prayerful than playfulness. #sacred #love #laughter #prayerful #playfulness #osho

Meditation is only against false love. The false will disappear, and that’s a basic condition for the real to appear. The false must go, the false must vacate you completely only then are you available for the real. #meditation #false #love #disappear #real #appear #vacate #osho

Do something with your energy which takes you higher. Use it in love, use it in some creative act, use it in friendship, use it in meditation. #energy #love #friendship #meditation #takes #higher #use #creative #act #osho

YES: A single word yes contains all the religious of the world. It contains trust, it contains love, it contains surrender and all the prayers that have ever been done, are being done and will ever be done. #yes #single #word #contains #religious #trust #love #surrender #prayers #osho