Meditation simply means there is no object, no chanting, no mantra, no sutra…just pure emptiness. And suddenly all your energy of awareness turns upon yourself. #meditation #means #noobject #nochanting #nomantra #nosutra #pure #emptiness #energy #awareness #turns #upon #yourself #osho

Don’t condemn sensuality, it has been condemned by the whole world, and because of their condemnation, the energy that can flower in sensuality moves into perversion, jealousy, anger, hatred a kind of life which is dry, with no juice. #sensuality #condemn #world #energy #flower #perversion #jealousy #anger #hatred #dry #life #juice #osho

Do something with your energy which takes you higher. Use it in love, use it in some creative act, use it in friendship, use it in meditation. #energy #love #friendship #meditation #takes #higher #use #creative #act #osho

The more consciousness you have, the more energy flows upwards. Intelligence moves upwards, intellect moves downwards. #consciousness #energy #upwards #intelligence #intellect #downwards #osho