I have never been a serious person…. I am not serious at all because existence is not serious. It is so playful, so full of song and so full of music and so full of subtle laughter. It has no purpose; it is not business-like. It is pure joy, sheer dance, out of overflowing energy.
I am not here to make you a sheep. You have been a sheep for too long already. I am here to make a man out of you. It is going to be arduous, but you have to start becoming responsible for your own life. Once you start feeling responsible for your own life you start growing, because then there is no point in wasting time in postponing, in waiting. Nobody is coming to help you. All waiting is futile, all waiting is sheer wastage.
With me, illusions are bound to be shattered. I am here to shatter all illusions. Yes, it will irritate you, it will annoy you – that’s my way of functioning and working. I will sabotage you from your very roots! Unless you are totally destroyed as a mind, there is no hope for
Hitesh used to send Osho’s quotes everyday to his beloved friends. He’d find one Osho’s quote every morning and share it to his beloved friends, One day, Kishan made an image from one of the quotes, and the outcome was utterly graceful. The little experiment turned out to be so amazing that they’ve been finding quotes and creating engaging images out of them, one quote-one image daily.
And that way, in just a year and a half, they had about 450 unique quote images to share, and thus came the idea of creating this inspiring website “oshoinsight.com”.
Special thanks to Dhiren for designing this beautiful website and to Milan and Raj for wonderful coding.
Welcome to the Insightful world of “oshoinsight.com”.