Meditation simply means there is no object, no chanting, no mantra, no sutra…just pure emptiness. And suddenly all your energy of awareness turns upon yourself. #meditation #means #noobject #nochanting #nomantra #nosutra #pure #emptiness #energy #awareness #turns #upon #yourself #osho
When thoughts cease, who are you? An utter emptiness, nothingness, no-thingness. You are pure space, uncontaminated by anything. You are just a mirror reflecting nothing. #thought #cease #emptiness #nothningness #space #mirror #reflecting #nothing #osho
Meditation is non doing. Meditation is an experiment. Meditation is clarity. Meditation is emptiness. #mediation #nondoing #experiment #clarity #emptiness #osho
When you act out of emptiness, there is a freshness all around you. #act #emptiness #freshness #around #you #osho