A man of awareness knows that life is constantly changing. Life is change. there is only one thing permanent, and that is change. Except change, everything else changes. #awareness #life #change #permanent #osho #quote

Alertness Awareness Mindfulness are keys to Meditation #alertness #awareness #mindfulness #meditation #osho #quote

I don’t impose any doctrine, any cult, any philosophy. I don’t want followers. I simply want people who know freedom, who know love, who know the dignity of man, who know the peaks awareness. Only those who will know the peaks of awareness will be my friend. #doctrine #cult #philosophy #followers #know #freedom #dignity #man #awareness #friend #osho

Meditation simply means there is no object, no chanting, no mantra, no sutra…just pure emptiness. And suddenly all your energy of awareness turns upon yourself. #meditation #means #noobject #nochanting #nomantra #nosutra #pure #emptiness #energy #awareness #turns #upon #yourself #osho

The only authentic responsibility is towards your own potential, your own intelligence and awareness -and act accordingly. Values have not to be imposed on you They should grow with your awareness, in you. #potential #intelligence #awareness #values #grow #osho

In the morning remember it is a new day, a new beginning. Today I will meditate in all my acts. I will do all the activities, the usual day-to-day activities, but today with a new quality: I will bring the quality of awareness to them. #morning #day #new #beginning #meditate #acts #quality #awareness #osho

You can start with awareness; then awareness takes you away from the mind and the identifications with the mind. Naturally, the body starts relaxing; you are no longer attached. Tensions cannot exist in the light of awareness. #awareness #mind #identification #body #relaxing #tension #osho

Just relax and let things be as they are. A very very passive awareness – that is the meaning of meditation. #relax #passive #awareness #meditation #meaning #osho

A man of awareness becomes courageous enough to accept the changing phenomena. In that very acceptance is bliss. Then all is good. Then you are never frustrated. #man #awareness #courageous #accept #change #bliss #good #frustrate #osho #oshoonchange

If you really integrated in your awareness, thoughts don’t enter you; you have become an impenetrable citadel, nothing can penetrate you. #integrated #awareness #thoughts #penetrate #osho

A man of awareness knows that life is constantly changing. Life is change. There is only permanent, and that is change. Except change, everything else changes. #man #awareness #life #constant #change #osho #oshoonlife #oshoonchange #osho

Just relax and let things be as they are. A very very passive awareness – that is the meaning of meditation. #relax #let #things #be #passive #awareness #meditation #meaning #osho

Meditation is coming home. Meditation is awareness. Meditation is paradise. Meditation is rest. #meditation #coming #home #awareness #paradise #rest #osho