Meditation is your intrinsic nature – it is you, it is your being. It has nothing to do with your doings. #meditation #intrinsic #nature #being #nothing #to #do #doing #osho #quote

Meditation is Recreation. Meditation is living joyously. #meditation #recreation #living #joyously #osho #quote

Alertness Awareness Mindfulness are keys to Meditation #alertness #awareness #mindfulness #meditation #osho #quote

Meditation comes out of intelligence – burning all crap from your being. Then you are pure, alone, just the way existence wants you to be. #meditation #intelligence #burning #crap #being #pure #alone #existence #be #osho #quote

Meditation is just being delighted in your own presence; meditation is a delight in your own being. It is very simple – a totally relaxed state of consciousness where you are not doing anything. #meditation #being #delighted #own #presence #being #relaxed #consciousness #not #doing #osho

How to meditate?’ I tell them, ‘There is no need to ask how to meditate, just ask how to remain unoccupied. Meditation happens spontaneously. Just ask how to remain unoccupied, that’s all. That’s the whole trick of meditation – how to remain unoccupied. #meditate #remain #unoccupied #spontaneously #trick #of #meditation #osho

Meditation simply means there is no object, no chanting, no mantra, no sutra…just pure emptiness. And suddenly all your energy of awareness turns upon yourself. #meditation #means #noobject #nochanting #nomantra #nosutra #pure #emptiness #energy #awareness #turns #upon #yourself #osho

Happiness is to be found by stopping. And stopping is meditation, prayer, worship. Stopping means having no idea or thought of the future whatsoever. As long as you remain attached to the future your running will continue. #happiness #found #by #stopping #meditation #prayer #worship #no #idea #future #attached #running #continue #osho

The man of meditation inevitably becomes a friend to existence, a friend to all. #man #meditation #friend #existence #all #osho

Don’t let the past or the future stand between you and the reality. And if you can manage even for a few moments state of no-mind – that’s what meditation is all about – you will be surprised: suddenly you are in rhythm with existence. #future #past #reality #moments #nomind #meditation #rhythm #existence

Peoples need to change the attitude that exists about work; Meditation should part of the work, not separate from it. #attitude #work #meditation #part #osho