Meditation is your intrinsic nature – it is you, it is your being. It has nothing to do with your doings. #meditation #intrinsic #nature #being #nothing #to #do #doing #osho #quote

When thoughts cease, who are you? An utter emptiness, nothingness, no-thingness. You are pure space, uncontaminated by anything. You are just a mirror reflecting nothing. #thought #cease #emptiness #nothningness #space #mirror #reflecting #nothing #osho

Then what is meditation? Meditation is just being delighted in your own presence; meditation is a delight in your own being. It is very simple – a totally relaxed state of consciousness where you are not doing anything. #meditation #being #delighted #presence #own #relaxed #state #consciousness #doing #nothing #osho

Nothing is good, nothing is bad. When this dawn in your consciousness, suddenly you are together, all fragments have disappeared into one unity. You are crystallized, you are centered. #nothing #good #bad #dawn #consciousness #together #fragments #disappear #unity #crystallized #centered #osho