Man is born as a seed; It all depends on you, what you do with yourself; it all depends on you whether you grow or you don´t. It is your choice — and each moment the choice has to be faced; each moment you are on the crossroads. #man #born #seed #grow #choice #moment #faced #crossroad #osho #quote

The man who knows, also knows that existence is one. Its expression are millions but the spirit that expresses, is the same. It is one godliness with an infinite variety of creation. #man #knows #existence #one #millions #spirit #expresses #godliness #infinite #creation #osho #quote

Man is growing gestalt. Every day new things are to happen. Every day you have to absorb the new and to make a place for the new; the old has to be gone. The old has to be said goodbye to, with all thankfulness. #man #growing #gestalt #things #happen #absorb #new #makeplace #old #gone #goodbye #thankfulness #osho #quote

The ordinary man is living a very abnormal life, because his values are upside down. Money is more important than meditation; logic is more important than love; mind is more important than heart; power over others is more important than power over one’s own being. Mundane things are more important than finding some treasures which death cannot destroy. #ordinary #man #abnormal #life #logic #love #money #power #mundane #death #destroy #osho

I don’t impose any doctrine, any cult, any philosophy. I don’t want followers. I simply want people who know freedom, who know love, who know the dignity of man, who know the peaks awareness. Only those who will know the peaks of awareness will be my friend. #doctrine #cult #philosophy #followers #know #freedom #dignity #man #awareness #friend #osho

In this world greatest courage is to drop the mind aside . The bravest man is who can see the world without the barrier of the mind, just as it is. It is tremendously different, utterly beautiful. There is nobody who is superior – there are no distinctions. #world #courage #drop #mind #brave #man #without #barrier #asitis #beautiful #superior #distinction #osho

Revolution is of the crowd; rebellion is of individual. The individual changes himself. He does not care about the power structure; he simply manages to change his being, gives birth to a new man in himself. That’s why I don’t teach you revolution; I teach you rebellion. #revolution #crowd #rebellion #individual #himself #change #care #about #power #structure #being #birth #new #man #teach

That is a very unconscious longing in every man-to prove something. #unconscious #longing #man #prove #something #osho

The man of meditation inevitably becomes a friend to existence, a friend to all. #man #meditation #friend #existence #all #osho

A machine is predictable. It was the same yesterday, it will be the same tomorrow, It is unchanging. It is only man’s prerogative to be changing every moment. The day you stop changing, in the subtle way you have died. #machine #predictable #same #yesterday #tomorrow #unchanging #man #prerogative #every #moment #stop #change #subtle #died #osho

A man of awareness becomes courageous enough to accept the changing phenomena. In that very acceptance is bliss. Then all is good. Then you are never frustrated. #man #awareness #courageous #accept #change #bliss #good #frustrate #osho #oshoonchange

A man of awareness knows that life is constantly changing. Life is change. There is only permanent, and that is change. Except change, everything else changes. #man #awareness #life #constant #change #osho #oshoonlife #oshoonchange #osho

Why does man suppress so much and become unhealthy? Because the society teaches you to control not to transform. In controlling you repress and in transformation you express. #man #suppress #unhealthy #society #control #transform #express #osho