When you are able to see with no dust of knowledge on the mirror of your soul, when your soul is without any dust of knowledge, when it is just mirror, it reflects that which is. That is wisdom. That reflecting of that which is wisdom. #see #without #dust #knowledge #mirror #reflect #wisdom #soul #osho #quote

In this world greatest courage is to drop the mind aside . The bravest man is who can see the world without the barrier of the mind, just as it is. It is tremendously different, utterly beautiful. There is nobody who is superior – there are no distinctions. #world #courage #drop #mind #brave #man #without #barrier #asitis #beautiful #superior #distinction #osho

You have to befriend nature, both without and within; you have to be in loving relationship with all that is. The more loving you are, the more existence opens its secrets to you. #befriend #nature #without #within #loving #relationship #existence #secrets #osho

Meditation is creating inner space, In absolute spaciousness you will start feeling something mysterious which surrounds you, which is everywhere inside, outside, within, without .
#meditation #creating #inner #space #absolute #feeling #mysterious #surround #inside #outside #within #without #osho