Let it be understood as deeply as possible: only ill people are destructive. The people who are healthy are creative. Creativity is a kind of fragrance of health. When a person is really healthy and whole creativity comes naturally to him, the urge to create arises. #creativity #healthy #whole #arises #fragrance #destructive #osho #quote

Creativity brings you totality into functioning. When you are total in the act vibrates your whole being, each cell of your being, each fiber of your life starts dancing, and falls in a subtle harmony with the total. #creativity #brings #totality #functioning #total #act #whole #being #each #cell #fiber #life #dancing #subtle #harmony #osho

Mind, head is a bi-computer. You can go on accumulating knowledge in it and whenever you need you can take it out. Good for mathematics, good for calculation, good for the day-to-day life, the marketplace; but if you think this is your whole life then you will remain stupid. #mind #head #bi-computer #accumulating #knowledge #good #mathematics #marketplace #think #whole #life #remain #stupid #osho