Man is born as a seed; It all depends on you, what you do with yourself; it all depends on you whether you grow or you don´t. It is your choice — and each moment the choice has to be faced; each moment you are on the crossroads. #man #born #seed #grow #choice #moment #faced #crossroad #osho #quote

Even for a single moment, if you can penetrate into reality and can see what is, face to face, you will laugh at the whole absurdity of your efforts. What are you trying? #single #moment #penetrate #reality #facetoface #laugh #absurdity #effort #trying #osho #quote

Celebration is possible of each moment brings you something new. And change beautifies everything. The soul of existence is change. #celebration #each #moment #bring #new #change #beautify #everything #soul #existence #osho

Every moment, everything is changing. And there is no permanent thing. The nature of the reality is change. Permanence is illusion. #moment #change #everything #no #permanent #nature #reality #illusion #osho

Every moment, everything is changing. And there is no permanent thing. The nature of the reality is change. Permanence is illusion. #moment #change #everything #no #permanent #nature #reality #illusion #osho

If you are desiring to become a container for God, if you have invited him to be your guest and you want to be his host, then you will have to learn the ways of paradise. You will have to live in such a way, herenow, that this very moment becomes a paradise, Only then can you invite God. #desire #container #god #invite #god #guest #his #host #learn #ways #paradise #live #herenow #very #moment #osho

You have to live moment to moment, you have to live each moment as if it is the last moment. So don’t waste it in quarreling, in nagging or in fighting. Perhaps you will not find the next moment ever for the apology. #live #moment #each #last #dont #waste #nagging #fighting #next #ever #apology #osho

Happiness is that moment of rest when there is no more running, when you are just at rest, when you are simply there where you are. And then, in that moment of rest, there is happiness, there is nothing but happiness. Meditate over this. #happiness #moment #rest #nomore #running #simply #there #where #you #are #meditate #osho

The moment you recognize that you don’t know, you become innocent, you become available…the ego disappears. #moment #recognize #innocent #available #ego #disappear #osho

My insistence is: live spontaneously without any discipline. Live in freedom and live in totality, because one never knows the next moment. I may not be here, you may not be here. The next moment is meaningless. #spontaneously #discipline #live #freedom #totality #moment #meaningless #osho

The moment you recognize that you don’t know, you become innocent, you become available…the ego disappears. #moment #recognize #innocent #available #ego #disappear #osho

I am bringing a new vision of religion to the world. Accept life in its mulitdimensions. Enjoy it, celebrate it, rejoice in it. Celebrate your body, it is God’s grace. Celebrate each moment that has been given to you, each breath, each heartbeat. It is such a benediction. #new #vision #religion #world #life #mulit #dimension #enjoy #celebrate #rejoice #body #god #grace #moment #breath #heartbeat #benediction #osho

Forget the past, forget the future, this moment is all. This moment has to become your prayer, your love, your life, your death, your everything. This is it. And live courageously, don’t be cowards. Don’t think of consequences; only cowards think of consequences. #forget #past #future #moment #prayer #love #life #death #everything #present #courageously #consequences #osho