Life brings every day new situations. And if you are waiting to be guided by past experience, you will miss the opportunity to act responsibly, to act spontaneously. #life #bring #new #situations #be #guided #past #experience #you #miss #opportunity #act #responsibly #spontaneously #osho

Happiness is that moment of rest when there is no more running, when you are just at rest, when you are simply there where you are. And then, in that moment of rest, there is happiness, there is nothing but happiness. Meditate over this. #happiness #moment #rest #nomore #running #simply #there #where #you #are #meditate #osho

You have to accept you aloneness, which is no way you can avoid. And there is no way to change its nature. It is you. #accept #aloneness #nature #you #osho

By and by you learn the ways of how existence goes on providing for you, how existence goes on caring about you. You are unnecessarily worried, all is provided for. Once you have learnt the knack of trust, all worry disappears. #learn #ways #existence #providing #caring #you #worried #knack #trust #osho

Just do whatsoever is pleasant –pleasant to you and pleasant to your surroundings. Just do something which brings a song to you and create a rhythm around you to celebration. This life calls a religious life. #pleasant #you #surroundings #do #something #bring #song #create #rhythm #celebration #religious #life #osho

Happiness is a byproduct of creativity. Create something and you will be happy. #happiness #byproduct #creativity #create #happy #you #osho

Existence and you are enough. There is no need for any agent between you and existence to interpret, to take message from you to existence and bring messages from existence to you. #existence #you #message #interpret #enough #agent #osho

If you want to live a more fulfilled life, first you will want to know your potential, who you… #live #fulfilled #life #potential #who #you #osho