Life is basically insecure. That’s its intrinsic quality; it cannot be changed. Death is secure, absolutely secure. The moment you choose security, unknowingly you have chosen death. The moment you choose life, unawares you have chosen insecurity. #life #insecure #quality #death #secure #unknowingly #osho

In the morning remember it is a new day, a new beginning. Today I will meditate in all my acts. I will do all the activities, the usual day-to-day activities, but today with a new quality: I will bring the quality of awareness to them. #morning #day #new #beginning #meditate #acts #quality #awareness #osho

Be total in your acts, and if you are total you have to be aware; nobody can be total without being aware. If you become aware even small things are transformed; they become luminous acts, and each act becomes so total that each act has the quality of meditation. #be #total #acts #aware #nobody #being #small #things #transformed #luminous #quality #meditation