First, yoga is not a religion—remember that. Yoga is not Hindu, it is not Mohammedan. Yoga is a pure science just like mathematics, physics or chemistry. Yoga is a science—it is just an accident that Hindus discovered it. It is not Hindu. It is a pure mathematics of the inner being. #yoga #not #religion #hindu #moammedan #pure #science #mathematics #physics #chemistry #inner #being #osho

Mind, head is a bi-computer. You can go on accumulating knowledge in it and whenever you need you can take it out. Good for mathematics, good for calculation, good for the day-to-day life, the marketplace; but if you think this is your whole life then you will remain stupid. #mind #head #bi-computer #accumulating #knowledge #good #mathematics #marketplace #think #whole #life #remain #stupid #osho