Ordinarily we think intellectuals are intelligent people. That is not true. Intellectuals live only dead words. Intelligence cannot do that. Intelligence drops the word ? that is the corpse ? and just takes the living vibe in it. #ordinarily #think #intellectuals #intelligent #people #not #true #dead #words #drop #corpse #living #vibe #osho #quote

We have to be open to all dimension, ready to accept anything that is going to beautify existence and make man more blissful, more healthy, more intelligent, more aware of the tremendous mystery that surrounds us. #open #dimension #accept #beauty #blissful #healthy #intelligent #aware #osho

An intelligent person will understand that life is an adventure, a constant exploration through trial and error. That’s its very joy, its very juice! #intelligent #person #life #adventure #exploration #constant #trial #error #juice #joy #osho