Without finding your center, there is no satisfaction possible. You can go on searching and you will find many things in life, but nothing is going to satisfy. #finding #center #satisfaction #searching #life #things #osho
Remember one thing: except for silence, everything else is your imagination – howsoever beautiful, because only in your silence are you close to very center of existence. #silence #imagination #howsoever #beautiful #center #existence #osho
We have two layers of existence; the world of doing and the world of being; the circumference and the center. Go on working on the periphery, on the circumference; do not stop it. But go on working attentively on the center also. What will happen? Your activity will become and acting, as if you are playing a part. #layers #existence #world #circumference #center #periphery #work #attentively #activity #acting #playing #osho
Without finding your center, there is no satisfaction possible. You can go on searching and you will find many things in life, but nothing is going to satisfy. #finding #center #satisfaction #possible #searching #life #things #oshoonsatisfaction #osho