First, yoga is not a religion—remember that. Yoga is not Hindu, it is not Mohammedan. Yoga is a pure science just like mathematics, physics or chemistry. Yoga is a science—it is just an accident that Hindus discovered it. It is not Hindu. It is a pure mathematics of the inner being. #yoga #not #religion #hindu #moammedan #pure #science #mathematics #physics #chemistry #inner #being #osho

What is a prayer? Prayer is sending blessings to all. Prayer is sending your compassion to all. Prayer is creating an antidote of negative thoughts — it is a positivity. #prayer #blessing #compassion #antidote #negative #thoughts #positivity #osho

The religion goes on preaching belief and destroys the intelligence of people to question, makes them retarded. #religion #preaching #destroy #intelligence #question #retarded #osho

Every moment, everything is changing. And there is no permanent thing. The nature of the reality is change. Permanence is illusion. #moment #change #everything #no #permanent #nature #reality #illusion #osho

Every moment, everything is changing. And there is no permanent thing. The nature of the reality is change. Permanence is illusion. #moment #change #everything #no #permanent #nature #reality #illusion #osho

Happiness is nothing but the humming of the mechanism of mind when it functions perfectly. When the mind is simply in tune with the universe, you are happy. When the mind goes against the nature, against the natural law ,when the mind goes against the current, when the mind tries to swim upstream, then there are problems. #happiness #humming #mechanism #mind #functions #perfectly #in #tune #universe #nature #current #swim #upstream #problems #osho

There is a similarity between idiots and enlightened ones. For the enlightened ones no problem remains; for idiots no problem has yet arisen. Enlightened ones have gone beyond problems; the idiots have not yet entered. #similarity #idiots #enlightened #problems #remains #arisen #not #beyond #osho

Watch deeply, then you will become the host and thoughts will be the guests. And as guests they are beautiful, but if you forget completely that you are the host and they become the hosts, then you are in a mess. This is what hell is. #watch #deeply #host #thought #become #guest #beautiful #mess #hell #osho

Let this fundamental be remembered always: if you fight with anything false, you will be defeated. The false cannot be defeated, because it is false. How can you defeat something which is non existential? There is no way. The only way is, bring light and see. #fundamental #remembered #false #cannot #defeated #non #existential #bring #light #osho

If you are desiring to become a container for God, if you have invited him to be your guest and you want to be his host, then you will have to learn the ways of paradise. You will have to live in such a way, herenow, that this very moment becomes a paradise, Only then can you invite God. #desire #container #god #invite #god #guest #his #host #learn #ways #paradise #live #herenow #very #moment #osho