And reality is beginningless and endless. The mind has a beginning and an end, hence the mind and reality cannot meet. The mind cannot comprehend the eternal. #reality#eternal#beginning#end#mind#meet#osho
Reverence for life is the only respect for divine, because there is nothing more divine than life itself. #reverence#life#respect#divine#osho
Existence and you are enough. There is no need for any agent between you and existence to interpret, to take message from you to existence and bring messages from existence to you. #existence#you#message#interpret#enough#agent#osho
Drop guilt – because to be guilty is to live in hell. Not to be guilty, and you will have the freshness of dewdrops in the early morning sun, you will have the freshness of lotus petals. Once guilt disappears you will have a totally different kind of life, luminous and radiant. #drop#guilt#live#hell#freshness#morning#sun#lotus#petals#luminous#radiant#osho
Tension begins with the desire for that which is not. It is tension between the past and the future. You are like a bridge between two things, and whenever two things are connected, tension will be there. #tension#past#future#bridge#two#things#connected#osho
The mind functions like a bicycle; if you go on pedaling it, it continues. The moment you stop the pedaling, you are going to fall down. Mind is a two-wheeled vehicle just like a bicycle. And your thinking is a pedaling. #mind#function#bicycle#pedaling#thinking#osho
Only man has ideals and should. ‘you should be this and that’ – then you are divided against your own is. Should and is are enemies. And you cannot be anything other than you are. #ideals#divide#enemies#this#that#should#osho
Acceptance is the key to relaxation. When you are not trying to change things, to make life different, you simply relax! In that relaxation you breathe deeper, feel okay with everything around and nothing disturbs you. #acceptance#key#relaxation#change#life#simple#breathe#osho