Take life as a fun, take life as a play. Enjoy it. It is worth enjoying. #life #fun #play #enjoy #worth #osho
Choose to be more and more a celebrant, choose to be festive, so more and more flowers can blossom in your being and more and more fragrance can become available to you. #choose #celebrant #festive #flowers #blossom #being #fragrance #osho
Remember meditation will bring you more and more intelligence, infinite intelligence, a radical intelligence. #meditation #intelligence #osho
Religion is not a way to undermine life, it is a medium for delving deeply in to mysterious of existence. I call religion the art of living. #religion #life #medium #existence #art #of #living #osho #oshoonlife #oshoonreligion #osho
Meditation is coming home. Meditation is awareness. Meditation is paradise. Meditation is rest. #meditation #coming #home #awareness #paradise #rest #osho
Life is not a pile of sand and stone, if you have the right eyes to see it, there is much that good in life. In life you will find the ladder to reach god. #life #pile #sand #stone #right #eyes #good #ladder #reach #god #osho
Meditation is to help you get rid of all the hangover of the past, and the projections and dreams of the future so that you can be herenow simply spontaneously. #meditation #hangover #past #future #projections #dreams #here #now #spontaneously #osho
Life is a continuous movement, Acceptance means to keep in rhythm with this movement. #life #continues #movement #acceptance #rhythm #osho
You can meditate anywhere because meditation has no barriers, no conditions. If meditation makes you withdraw from life, it is not meditation. #meditate #anywhere #no #barriers #conditions #life #withdraw #not #meditation #osho
To live with the reality, moment to moment, is to be sane. #live #reality #moment #be #sane
Expect, and you bound to feel frustrated. Cut yourself off from the past and the future live in present, and your life becomes a song a dance. #expect #feel #frustrated #cut #yourself #past #future #live #present #life #song #dance #osho
Yesterday is no more. Only today is – and even that passed. Only this moment is. #yesterday #no #more #only #today #even #passed #this #moment
Nature has given to you all some unique potentiality. That is your responsibility to bring it to flowering, to the ultimate growth. #nature #unique #potentiality #responsibility #bring #flowering #ultimate #growth
Welcome life. Life is not a goal and life can never be reduced to being goal because it is not far away and its is not in the future. Life is now and here, and life is within you. #welcome #life #goal #being #future #here #now #within #you #osho
Once you accept the unknown, whatsoever it brings, and accept it with deep gratitude, complaints disappear, grumbling disappear, and what remains is sheer joy. #accept #unknown #bring #gratitude #complaints #disappear #grumbling #sheer #joy
Religion help people who are already well but would like to know peaks of wellness – would like to go to the Everest of wellness. #religion #help #people #already #well #peaks #wellness #Everest #wellness
Going in is not really going in, it is simply stopping going out. You can watch the breath going in, watching thoughts moving inside. #going #in #stopping #out #watch #breath #thoughts #moving #inside
I don’t teach revolution, I teach rebellion, and the difference is great. Revolution is political, rebellion is religious. #not #teach #revolution #rebellion #difference #great #political #religious #osho