Remember, concentration is not meditation. Because concentration is a discipline of the mind and meditation is putting the mind aside. #concentration #meditation #discipline #mind #putting #aside #osho

Meditation, in short, is putting your mind aside. #meditation #mind #osho

Meditation is not anything of the mind, it is something beyond the mind. the first step is to be playful about it. If you are playful about it, mind cannot destroy you meditation. #meditation #mind #playful #osho

The distinction between the subjective and the objective art is basically based on meditation. anything that comes out of the mind will remain subjective art, and anything that comes out of meditation, will be objective art. #art #subjective #objective #mind #nomind #meditation #distinction #osho

If you leave a few gaps in your mind unoccupied, those moments of unoccupied consciousness are the first glimpses of meditation, the first penetrations of the beyond, the first flashes of no-mind. #gaps #mind #unoccupied #moments #consciousness # #glimpse #meditation #beyond #nomind #osho

Meditation is the state of no-mind; no society within you, no conditioning within you – just you, with your pure consciousness. #meditation #no-mind #society #conditioning #within #pure #consciousness #osho

Meditation is rest, absolute rest, a full stop to all activity – physical, mental, emotional. #meditation #rest #absolute #activity #physical #metal #emotional #osho

As your meditation becomes deeper, as your identification with the head and the heart starts falling, you find yourself becoming a triangle, and your reality is in the third force in you: the consciousness. #meditation #deeper #identification #mind #heart #falling #triangle #reality #consciousness #osho

How to meditate? I tell them, “There is no need to ask how to meditate, just ask how to remain unoccupied. Meditation happens spontaneously. Just ask how to remain unoccupied, that’s all. #meditate #meditation #remain #unoccupied #spontaneously #osho

Then what is meditation? Meditation is just being delighted in your own presence; meditation is a delight in your own being. It is very simple – a totally relaxed state of consciousness where you are not doing anything. #meditation #being #delighted #presence #own #relaxed #state #consciousness #doing #nothing #osho

Anything basically can be transformed into meditation, one just has to look deep into things and find some ways to transform them into meditation. Sitting, walking, eating, working-anything can be transformed into meditation. #transformed #meditation #anything #look #deep #into #things #walking #sitting #eating #working #osho

Just relax and let things be as they are. A very very passive awareness – that is the meaning of meditation. #relax #passive #awareness #meditation #meaning #osho

Meditation is only against false love. The false will disappear, and that’s a basic condition for the real to appear. The false must go, the false must vacate you completely only then are you available for the real. #meditation #false #love #disappear #real #appear #vacate #osho

Do something with your energy which takes you higher. Use it in love, use it in some creative act, use it in friendship, use it in meditation. #energy #love #friendship #meditation #takes #higher #use #creative #act #osho

Meditation is not a solution of any problem in particular; it solves nothing. It simply helps you to get rid of the mind, the problem-creator. #meditation #problem #solution #getridof #mind #osho #oshonmind #oshoonmeditation

Just relax and let things be as they are. A very very passive awareness – that is the meaning of meditation. #relax #let #things #be #passive #awareness #meditation #meaning #osho