Manufacturing means a repetitive exercise. Creativity means bringing the new into existence, making a way for the unknown to penetrate the known it needs a great passion. #manufacturing #repetitive #exercise #creativity #bringing #new #existence #making #way #penetrate #know #great #passion #osho

Existence and you are enough. There is no need for any agent between you and existence to interpret, to take message from you to existence and bring messages from existence to you. #existence #you #message #interpret #enough #agent #osho

Understanding cannot be studied; nobody can teach it to you. You will have to learn how to dive within yourself – not in the scriptures, but within your own existence. #understanding #studied #tech #learn #dive #within #yourself #existence #osho

Religion is not a way to undermine life, it is a medium for delving deeply in to mysterious of existence. I call religion the art of living. #religion #life #medium #existence #art #of #living #osho #oshoonlife #oshoonreligion #osho

You have to befriend nature, both without and within; you have to be in loving relationship with all that is. The more loving you are, the more existence opens its secrets to you. #befriend #nature #without #within #loving #relationship #existence #secrets #osho