The mind has been filled with all kinds of unnecessary luggage. No space is left in the mind for the realities that you have to live. So even your greatest theologian is as foolish about love as you are, has no understanding of freedom, has never enquired into the distinction between personality and individuality. #mind #luggage #space #left #mind #realities #live #greatest #theologian #love #understanding #freedom #personality #individuality #osho

The society needs science the society needs religion, and if you ask what should be first priority – science should be the first priority. First the outer circumference, then the inner – because the inner is more subtle more delicate. Science can create the space for real religion to exist on the earth. #science #inner #religion #society #earth #space #priority #osho

When thoughts cease, who are you? An utter emptiness, nothingness, no-thingness. You are pure space, uncontaminated by anything. You are just a mirror reflecting nothing. #thought #cease #emptiness #nothningness #space #mirror #reflecting #nothing #osho

Meditation is creating inner space, In absolute spaciousness you will start feeling something mysterious which surrounds you, which is everywhere inside, outside, within, without .
#meditation #creating #inner #space #absolute #feeling #mysterious #surround #inside #outside #within #without #osho