Mind is good when money is concerned; mind is good when war is concerned; mind is good when ambitions are concerned; but mind is absolutely useless when love is concerned. Money, war, desire, ambitions — you cannot put in the same category love. Love has a separate source in your being… #mind #good #money #war #ambition #useless #love #source #being #osho #quote

The mind has been filled with all kinds of unnecessary luggage. No space is left in the mind for the realities that you have to live. So even your greatest theologian is as foolish about love as you are, has no understanding of freedom, has never enquired into the distinction between personality and individuality. #mind #luggage #space #left #mind #realities #live #greatest #theologian #love #understanding #freedom #personality #individuality #osho

Once you get identified with a certain idea, then you are sick. All identification is mental sickness. In fact, mind is sickness. And to put the mind aside and just to see silently? without any thought, without any prejudice? into reality is a healthy way of being acquainted with reality. #identified #idea #sick #mind #aside #silently #thought #prejudice #healthy #osho

In this world greatest courage is to drop the mind aside . The bravest man is who can see the world without the barrier of the mind, just as it is. It is tremendously different, utterly beautiful. There is nobody who is superior – there are no distinctions. #world #courage #drop #mind #brave #man #without #barrier #asitis #beautiful #superior #distinction #osho

The first thing that you will have to learn is to be a witness to all that goes on in the mind, because the mind is a social phenomenon – it is not a god given gift. It is social exploitation; it is society that makes a mind is you, and though that mind controls you. #mind #society #witness #social #god #not #gift #exploitation #control #osho

Happiness is nothing but the humming of the mechanism of mind when it functions perfectly. When the mind is simply in tune with the universe, you are happy. When the mind goes against the nature, against the natural law ,when the mind goes against the current, when the mind tries to swim upstream, then there are problems. #happiness #humming #mechanism #mind #functions #perfectly #in #tune #universe #nature #current #swim #upstream #problems #osho

Remember, concentration is not meditation. Because concentration is a discipline of the mind and meditation is putting the mind aside. #concentration #meditation #discipline #mind #putting #aside #osho

Meditation, in short, is putting your mind aside. #meditation #mind #osho

Meditation is not anything of the mind, it is something beyond the mind. the first step is to be playful about it. If you are playful about it, mind cannot destroy you meditation. #meditation #mind #playful #osho

The distinction between the subjective and the objective art is basically based on meditation. anything that comes out of the mind will remain subjective art, and anything that comes out of meditation, will be objective art. #art #subjective #objective #mind #nomind #meditation #distinction #osho

Nature certainly has no hierarchy. Hierarchy is man’s mind game, because without a hierarchy the ego cannot feel nourished; it dies. #nature #hierarchy #mind #game #ego #nourished #dies #osho