Any kind of dependence is slavery, and the spiritual dependence is the worst slavery of all. I have been making every effort to make you aware of your individuality, your freedom, your absolute capacity to grow without any help from anybody. #dependence #slavery #spiritual #effort #aware #individuality #freedom #grow #help #anybody #osho #quote

We have to be open to all dimension, ready to accept anything that is going to beautify existence and make man more blissful, more healthy, more intelligent, more aware of the tremendous mystery that surrounds us. #open #dimension #accept #beauty #blissful #healthy #intelligent #aware #osho

Be total in your acts, and if you are total you have to be aware; nobody can be total without being aware. If you become aware even small things are transformed; they become luminous acts, and each act becomes so total that each act has the quality of meditation. #be #total #acts #aware #nobody #being #small #things #transformed #luminous #quality #meditation