Even for a single moment, if you can penetrate into reality and can see what is, face to face, you will laugh at the whole absurdity of your efforts. What are you trying? #single #moment #penetrate #reality #facetoface #laugh #absurdity #effort #trying #osho #quote

We are all part of one life force – part of one, oceanic existence. Basically, because we are deep down one in our roots, the possibility of love arises. If we were not one, there would be no possibility of love. #weare #one #life #force #oceanic #existence #deep #down #root #love #oceanic #existence #osho #quote

Don’t be bothered by others’ opinions. Let this be your only touchstone – whatsoever makes you happy is bound to be true. Ananda, bliss, is the only criterion of truth. #opinion #touchstone #happy #touchstone #ananda #bliss #criterion #truth #osho #quote

Man is growing gestalt. Every day new things are to happen. Every day you have to absorb the new and to make a place for the new; the old has to be gone. The old has to be said goodbye to, with all thankfulness. #man #growing #gestalt #things #happen #absorb #new #makeplace #old #gone #goodbye #thankfulness #osho #quote

Let it be understood as deeply as possible: only ill people are destructive. The people who are healthy are creative. Creativity is a kind of fragrance of health. When a person is really healthy and whole creativity comes naturally to him, the urge to create arises. #creativity #healthy #whole #arises #fragrance #destructive #osho #quote

The moment innocence disappears, the soul of intelligence is gone, it is a corpse. It is better to call it simply “intellect.” It can make you great intellectual, but it will not transform your life and it will not make you open to the mysteries of existence. #intelligence #intellect #transform #life #mysteries #existence #osho #quote

Death is secure, life is insecurity. One who really wants to live has to live in danger, in constant danger. One wants to reach to the peaks has to take the risk of getting lost. One who wants to climb the highest peaks has to take the risk of falling from somewhere, slipping down. #death #secure #life #insecurity #danger #peaks #lost #risk #climb #falling #osho #quote

Meditation comes out of intelligence – burning all crap from your being. Then you are pure, alone, just the way existence wants you to be. #meditation #intelligence #burning #crap #being #pure #alone #existence #be #osho #quote

Meditativeness is simply a deep receptivity, a readliness, an open door. #meditative #deep #receptivity #open #door #osho #quote