You will be surprised to know that all that you see has been invented by playful people, not by the serious people. The serious people are too much past-oriented — they go on repeating the past, because they know it works. They are never inventive. #surprised #invented #playful #people #serious #past #oriented #repeating #past #work #osho #quote

Meditation is Recreation. Meditation is living joyously. #meditation #recreation #living #joyously #osho #quote

Alertness Awareness Mindfulness are keys to Meditation #alertness #awareness #mindfulness #meditation #osho #quote

With the secure, with the familiar you are bored; you start becoming dull. With the insecure, with the unknown, the uncharted, you feel ecstatic, beautiful, again a child – again those eyes of wonder, again that heart which can feel the awe of things is there. #secure #familiar #bored #dull #insecure #unknown #ecstatic #beautiful #child #wonder #heart #osho #quote

Ordinarily we think intellectuals are intelligent people. That is not true. Intellectuals live only dead words. Intelligence cannot do that. Intelligence drops the word ? that is the corpse ? and just takes the living vibe in it. #ordinarily #think #intellectuals #intelligent #people #not #true #dead #words #drop #corpse #living #vibe #osho #quote

Mind is good when money is concerned; mind is good when war is concerned; mind is good when ambitions are concerned; but mind is absolutely useless when love is concerned. Money, war, desire, ambitions — you cannot put in the same category love. Love has a separate source in your being… #mind #good #money #war #ambition #useless #love #source #being #osho #quote

The man who knows, also knows that existence is one. Its expression are millions but the spirit that expresses, is the same. It is one godliness with an infinite variety of creation. #man #knows #existence #one #millions #spirit #expresses #godliness #infinite #creation #osho #quote

If everybody learns this simple art of loving his work, whatever it is, enjoying it without asking for any recognition, we would have more beautiful and celebrating world. #learn #simple #art #loving #work #enjoy #recognition #beautiful #celebrating #world #osho #quote

Whatsoever is needed at a particular time will be given to you, never before it. You get it only when you need it, and there is not even a single moment’s delay. When you need it you get it, immediately, instantly! That’s the beauty of trust. By and by you learn the ways of how existence goes on providing for you. #need #time #give #immediately #instant #trust #existence #provide #osho #quote

Life is possible only through challenges. #life #possible #challenges #osho #quote

When you are able to see with no dust of knowledge on the mirror of your soul, when your soul is without any dust of knowledge, when it is just mirror, it reflects that which is. That is wisdom. That reflecting of that which is wisdom. #see #without #dust #knowledge #mirror #reflect #wisdom #soul #osho #quote