The great splendor of life is that keeps you eternally engaged, searching, exploring. Life is exploration, life is adventure. The mystery never ends, is cannot end. #life #great #splendor #adventure #mystery #never #end #searching #exploring #engage #osho #quote

Difficult moments are hard when you are passing through them, but later on you will see they have made you more integrated. Without them you would never have been centered, grounded. #difficult #moments #hard #integrated #never #centered #grounded #osho

The perfectionist is bound to be a neurotics, he cannot enjoy life till he is perfect. And perfection as such never happens, it is not in the nature of things. Totality is possible, perfection is not possible. #perfectionist #neurotics #enjoy #life #perfection #never #happens #totality #possible #osho

Respect your own individuality and respect other’s individuality. Never interfere in anybody’s life and don’t allow anybody to interfere in your life. Only then one day you can grow into spirituality. #respect #individuality #never #interfere #anybody #life #don’t #allow #grow #spirituality #osho #oshoonindividuality