A man of awareness knows that life is constantly changing. Life is change. there is only one thing permanent, and that is change. Except change, everything else changes. #awareness #life #change #permanent #osho #quote

Revolution is of the crowd; rebellion is of individual. The individual changes himself. He does not care about the power structure; he simply manages to change his being, gives birth to a new man in himself. That’s why I don’t teach you revolution; I teach you rebellion. #revolution #crowd #rebellion #individual #himself #change #care #about #power #structure #being #birth #new #man #teach

Celebration is possible of each moment brings you something new. And change beautifies everything. The soul of existence is change. #celebration #each #moment #bring #new #change #beautify #everything #soul #existence #osho

Every moment, everything is changing. And there is no permanent thing. The nature of the reality is change. Permanence is illusion. #moment #change #everything #no #permanent #nature #reality #illusion #osho

Every moment, everything is changing. And there is no permanent thing. The nature of the reality is change. Permanence is illusion. #moment #change #everything #no #permanent #nature #reality #illusion #osho

Life is constantly changing. Only one thing is unchanging and that is your witnessing. Witnessing is beyond all polarities. It is the transcendental element in existence. #life #change #constant #witness #beyond #polarities #transcendental #osho

Society cannot allow ecstasy. Ecstasy is the greatest revolution. I repeat it: ecstasy is the greatest revolution. If people become ecstatic the whole society will have to change, because this society is based on misery. #society #ecstasy #revolution #change #osho

I teach you clearly an unprincipled life, a life of intelligence which changes with every change around you. Be absolutely unprincipled and just follow life, and there will be no misery in your life. #unprincipled #life #intelligence #change #follow #no #misery #osho

A machine is predictable. It was the same yesterday, it will be the same tomorrow, It is unchanging. It is only man’s prerogative to be changing every moment. The day you stop changing, in the subtle way you have died. #machine #predictable #same #yesterday #tomorrow #unchanging #man #prerogative #every #moment #stop #change #subtle #died #osho

Acceptance is the key to relaxation. When you are not trying to change things, to make life different, you simply relax! In that relaxation you breathe deeper, feel okay with everything around and nothing disturbs you. #acceptance #key #relaxation #change #life #simple #breathe #osho

A man of awareness becomes courageous enough to accept the changing phenomena. In that very acceptance is bliss. Then all is good. Then you are never frustrated. #man #awareness #courageous #accept #change #bliss #good #frustrate #osho #oshoonchange

A man of awareness knows that life is constantly changing. Life is change. There is only permanent, and that is change. Except change, everything else changes. #man #awareness #life #constant #change #osho #oshoonlife #oshoonchange #osho